Chimney Lining And Fireplace Repair
We offer a wide variety of masonry fireplace and chimney relining / restoration options.
Masonry Fireplace Repair / Rebuild
Steel Fireplace Repair / Replacement
Chimney Flue Relining
Historic Fireplace Restoration
Flue Replacement
Chimney Fire or Damage Repair
Oil and Propane Furnace / Boiler Relining
And much more, if it is chimney related, we have seen it before!

Historic Sensitivity
We are familiar with historic codes and requirements. We also are well versed in historical building techniques and styles. Whenever possible, we will abide by your home’s historical style and age using materials that will match your dwelling’s style and building technique.

Water leaks, exterior and masonry repairs
We find and solve chimney leaks. Rely on our pros to get the water leak taken care of the first time. We also offer leak tests for difficult to find water leaks around masonry chimneys.
We also perform all levels of masonry, as well as framed chase and chimney repairs and maintenance.
Masonry Chimney Repairs
Flashing Repairs
Cement crowns or washes
Waterseal and Crown Seal Products
Rain Screens
Custom Chimney Caps
Framed chase repairs and replacement
Siding and Chase cover repairs and replacement

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